Here Is The Schedule And Sessions For The
"Selling Online" Challenge
"One To Many Selling & Building Your Own Stages!"
The Immovable Mover
8:00 AM PDT (11:00AM Eastern)
Offer Secrets
9:30 AM PDT (12:30PM Eastern)
60-Minute Lunch Break
The 'One to Many' Selling Framework
12:00 PM PDT (3:00PM Eastern)
Building Your Own Stages
1:30 PM PDT (4:30PM Eastern)
7-Figure Selling Debriefs
3:00 PM PDT (6:00PM Eastern)
"Creating A Crowd Of Your Dream Customers!"
My Top 'False Belief' Closes
8:00 AM PDT (11:00AM Eastern)
'On The Fly' Dramatic Demonstrations...
9:30 AM PDT (12:30PM Eastern)
60-Minute Lunch Break
Creating A Starving Crowd
12:00 PM PDT (3:00PM Eastern)
Crafting A 7 Figure Pitch
1:30 PM PDT (4:30PM Eastern)
'One To Many' Coaching
3:00 PM PDT (6:00PM Eastern)
"Advanced Sales, Persuasion and Influence!"
Creating Your Movement
8:00 AM PDT (11:00AM Eastern)
How To Win Despite Having All Odds Against You...
9:30 AM PDT (12:30PM Eastern)
60-Minute Lunch Break
Advanced Persuasion
12:00 PM PDT (3:00PM Eastern)
The Most Important Thing...
1:30 PM PDT (4:30PM Eastern)
It’s No Secret...
And Have The Freedom You’ve Always Dreamed Of!

Location: Boise, Idaho
Dear friend,
No matter “who” sits in The White House, and regardless of what the Wall Street Bros are up to… learning how to sell online – using my ethical and legal “one-to-many” selling secrets – can help you create your own PERSONAL economy, giving you the life and career you’ve always dreamed of!
Now, is this 3-day ‘Selling Online’ challenge for you?
To avoid wasting your time, I’ll quickly describe the nature, mindset, and experience of the person this challenge is designed for…
…driving millions of dollars of traffic to my online sales funnel trainings…
…and workshopping “how to sell” in front of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people at my live marketing events.

he Three “Methods” To Selling
(And ONE That Works Predictably…)
one-To-One (Or Face-To-Face) Selling
Now, this form of selling can be really really good. I personally know a handful of people who make upwards of $1MM a year doing this method of selling.
Doing this method of selling can oftentimes lead to burn-out; or the salesperson hits a “cap” he/she can’t seem to break-through.

one-To-Many Selling
For example – when I sold the $2,997 offer to Grant Cardone’s audience of 9,000 attendees with one 90-minute presentation.
If I were to do that same presentation one-on-one, it would have taken me 6 ½ YEARS to achieve the amount of sales I received in one single day!!!
This method, while amazing in so many ways, can be very limiting because 1.) you’re beholden to the number of times you can get on stage in front of a live audience, and 2.) you have to “assume” you’re answering all of the audience’s questions and helping them overcome objections… without talking to them individually.

one To Infinite Sales
With this method, you’re taking your skill-set, plus audience, and removing “time” from the equation.
You can take your sales skills and plug them into a “simple sales funnel” and have an endless supply of your DREAM CUSTOMERS coming to you!
Most people who teach this method are either “fly by night” marketers who are looking to make a quick buck, never to be heard from again… or they simply don’t know what they’re talking about – oftentimes using outdated tactics and strategies that simply don’t work in today’s modern ways of selling online.

We’re the first, and continue to be the best, and that’s because we’re constantly working and improving the software to meet the needs of our salespeople such as yourself.
But here’s the reality, and I wouldn’t normally say this – but...
The Online Funnel Software is Only One Small Piece Of The Puzzle.
The REAL magic is WHAT IS ON each of the pages within the sales funnel.

Give Me Just 3 Days, I’ll Show You Exactly How
All without…
- having to meet one-on-one and spending hours 'HOPING' to get just one sale…
- needing to coordinate your schedule so you can get on stage in front of an audience (who you hope is already primed to hear what you're going to teach and sell)...
- hiring and teaching a “sales team” – which of course cuts into your own profits.

What You'll Learn Over The Next 3 Days During
The 'Selling Online Challenge'!
One To Many Selling & Building Your Own Stages!
And lastly, we’ll show you how to build YOUR own stage, where your ideal “golden customers” view you as the #1 trusted source they want to buy from!
You’ll be shocked with the amount of value you’ll receive on day one… you’ll think I’m nuts for asking anything lower than $1,997 to attend this event.

Creating A Crowd Of Your Dream Customers!
I’m also going to pull back the curtain and reveal my proven-to-work “7-figure pitch,”> as well as my top ‘false belief closers’ that anyone can use to sell even the most expensive packages with iron-clad confidence.

Advanced Sales, Persuasion and Influence!

Ready To Become A Master Salesperson With The Iron-Clad Confidence (And Words) To Easily Sell Anything To Anyone?
Here’s What You Can Expect From The
'Selling Online Challenge'!

Before The Challenge
- Making “OK” sales but not enough to scale or become your main revenue stream…
- Spending a small fortune on expensive copywriters or a marketing team with little to show for it…
- Second-guessing yourself, questioning if your marketing message is “off”...
- Feeling frustrated about how others in your industry are making sales like crazy… but you're still struggling…
- Often confused, lost, or stuck while trying to get a funnel to work…

After The Challenge
- A fully built-out “one-to-many” selling framework installed into any simple sales funnel (regardless of what you sell).
- A predictable, sustainable selling system that brings in YOUR dream customers like clockwork.
- Finally falling in love with marketing because you now “get it”!
- Knowing the EXACT words to say and HOW to say them that practically hypnotizes cold prospects into buying from you!
- Taking your product, service, or webinar from “good” to GREAT!
What's Your Investment?

The investment for this 3-day challenge is a one-time, discounted payment of just $100!
I’ve done plenty of “free challenges” over the years, but for this very specific challenge, I’m not looking for freebie seekers.
I’m looking for dedicated, ready-to-rock salespeople who are already making sales in whatever capacity… and are looking to go from good to GREAT!
If you sell a service or product of any kind, then this challenge is absolutely made for you.
I’m not going to show you things you may have learned before, either from myself or from other sales coaches.
I’m going to show you, and then teach you, how to literally sell anything (and a lot of it), no matter the price point, and do it with the utmost confidence you may have never experienced before.
With the “in-the-trenches” sales strategies, the same I use for my own businesses, I could easily charge upwards of $500 for a single 90-minute session.
And because you’re here, and you’re part of MY audience, I want to do right by you, and that’s why all I ask is the small, one-time investment of just $100.
The investment of $100 is nothin’ compared to the powerful, high-value sales training you’ll be receiving over the 3 day period – it could literally be the single greatest training with the potential of transforming your entire sales-process, and in turn, your entire life!

100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee
If you’re not satisfied with the selling online training, and if you feel you didn't receive a shred of valuable information you can immediately implement it into your online funnel for more sales…
…then you can email my support team at after the event for a full refund with zero hassle.

With that said, if you don’t sign up today (or very very soon), then you may never get a chance to attend this event again in the near future.
This may be your ONLY chance to attend this very special, limited-time event where I show you the wizardry behind my most successful “one-to-many” sales campaigns, and how you can take my exact steps and apply it to your sales funnels with incredible results!
'Selling Online Challenge' Today!

Normally: $2,997
Today's Price: $100!
Join The 'Selling Online' Challenge
September 24th - 26th @ 8AM PDT | 11AM EDT
3-Day Virtual Event: 'Selling Online Challenge'
Starts September 24th - 26th 8AM PDT | 11AM EDT
NOTE: This event is 3 FULL days, so mark your calendar and set-aside time for those 3 days so you can be present and ready to soak up all of the amazing value!!
So you can learn the “one-to-many” selling secrets, taking your online sales funnel from good to GREAT!
Imagine What Your Life Could Look Like In Just 3 Days…
Join The ‘Selling Online Challenge’ Today For A Discounted Low Payment Of Just $100!
Join The 'Selling Online' Challenge
September 24th - 26th @ 8AM PDT | 11AM EDT
Join The 'Selling Online Challenge' Below